Bailian Compressor - China leading manufacturers of oil free oxygen compressor ,nitrogne compressor ,hydrogen compressor ,and co2 compressor.


how to install Why Are There These Requirements in The Working Environment of Air Compressors?? | Bailian Compressor

September 30, 2024

Asis welknown,there are certain egurcements forthe opereating ervironment of aircompresors.Wwhen estabishing an ai compresor taton,it isrecommended to chose places wtheood ventiaton andheat dissipation, good air guality, low humidity, and away from corrosiveand irritating gases. Why are these reguirements in the operating environment of air compressors?

1. there are corosive oriritating gases in theworking enronment f aircompresors,suchas sulhdes,ceaningchemicas,etc.They are dispersed in the ai. The hightemperature of the compresor itselacceleratesthe oxidaton of ol. nce these gases enter the aircompresor system,they wllreactwith lubricating ol, producing carbon acoumulation and sludge.Some impurities enteringthe lubitcating oicirculaton system wil be intercepted by the ol hiter,whe another part ofthe imouries wilrise tothe oi content withthe mixture ofol. When gas pasesthroughthe olfeacion,theseimpurtieswilremain on the oil paper and block the flter holes, causing the oi content to gradualy increase, thus replacing the oil content in a shorter perid of ime.

2. The higher thetemperature,the higherthe exhaust temperature ofthe air ompresor,making it more dimcut to controlthe exhaustemperature. ftheworking enronmentemperatureis hiph,the aipressure will be lower, making it difficult for the air compressor to function effectively.

3.Poor fitraton acuracy of air hiterscan prevent some dustparicles in the airftom being intercepted and diretlyenterthe air compresor system,resultinginexcesive filreation load and al contentleading to early oil filtration and blockage of oil content.

4.Excesive ol ontentcan causethefilter materialto exand and contract micropores,reducinethe efective separetion areaforolconent resultng inincreased oil contentresistance and prematuyrblockage of oil content.When the device s tumed of,the extermnal airowilflow back into the oldue to theleakage ofthe minimum presure valwe. Due to the simultaneous decreaseintemperature and presure,ges condensesinto water droplets, which enter the oil content, causing the water absorption rate of the material to expand and deteriorate.tis necesarvto creiuly cnsider the ocaton and envtonment ofthe air cmoresor taton, Averseenironmental facors can aect thenefomance nd efaienwvofthe air cmoesor ingeaseth,occurrence of faults, and shorten the service life of the unit.

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