A First of a, we must choose a high-qualty compressor ofa big brand. tis not conveniento repai and maintain because of dierent foreign counties and domestic ones.
Ony thequality of big brands is reliable, and later maintenance is more wory-free.
First of al, our compressors have more detaied maintenance and operaion manuals, t is recommended that guests read the compressor manuals before using the compressorsThe installation and operation of the compressors are still in regular use, and common problems are explained in detalil.Second, itis necessany to instalthe da maintenance requiremenis ofthe compressormanual. and conduct reoular inspections even dav. evny wek and even month. onhminor problems can be discovered in advance to avoid major problems.Here, if there is a problem. stop the compresor at the first time. and then communicate wih the afer-sales maintenance sta ofour companvto feedback the oually of thecompressor. When feedbackthe qual,ty to provide clear picures and videos, and clean dispay the pressure qauge value and temeratre value.. Get heir proiessionaladvice
Finaly, afer the compressor ofour company has pased he factony commisioning,it wil be equipped with a compressor maintenance video scren,which contains a detaledvideo screen on how to replace the compressor accessories, The awests follow the stens in the video to renlace the accessoriesWhen purchasing a compressor, it is recommended to purchase some common maintenance accessories in case of emergency