Maintenance And Upkeep of Natural Gas Compressors
Before operating a natural gas compressor, the following issues should be noted:
1.Kep the smooth oilin the oil tank within the scae range.Before operating the naturelgas compresor, check that the oilin the oilinjectorshould not be lower thanthe scaleline value
2.Checkifthe moving parts are sensitive,ifthe connecting parts are ight,ifthe systemis smooth and norma, andifthe motor and electrical control eguipment are safe andreliable.
3., Before operatine the natural gas compressor, check whether the maintenance device and safety accessories are intact
4. Check if the exhaust pipe is unobstructed.
5. Connect the water source, open the inlet valve, and activate the cooling water
Clean the cooler:
The natural gas compresorhas beenrunning for a long time, o remove dust from the heat disipaton surface, open the cover ofthe codlerblowing hole onthe fan bracketanduse a dust blowing airgun toblowthe coleruntltheduston the heat disipation surace is completely blown away .The coong surface ofshangruo has serious dirthat is ificult to blow dean. The colercan bedisasembled,the oilinhe coler can benoureo out ano thefour inletano outet orscan be dosed to peent dustrom enterne.hen,
omoresed air canbe used tobow oit the dust on both sies and perhaoswater can beused to clean and drv the water stains outside.
Discharge condensate water:
Moisture in the ai may condense in the oland gas separation tank, especialyin humid climates, Whenthe exhaust temperature isbelowthe dew point of the ai presure orwhen cooing stops,
morecondensed water wildecost.Exceswve moisture in the ol can cause emulsiftcation ofthe lubnicating ol, afectingthe safe operaton ofthemachine,such aspoorlubricaton ofthe compresorhost; Theseparaton of oilandgas deteniorates,
andthe presure diference ofthe ol and as separator increases.Causing corrsion of arts.Therefore, thecondensate dischareplan should be formulated based on humidity.
Condensaton waterdischare method:itshould be amied outaterthe machime istopped.the oil and eas separetiontankis depresumzed.tharouehy cooed.andthe condensationwaier iscompletelwdeposited, such as before starting in the morning.
Safety valve:
Thesafety yawehasbenadused hefore the whoe macine eavesthefactoo.lersare ntenourgedto adust safety vaweswthout emision tadustmenis aleneesan theyshoudhe made ude
the guidance of the company's repair personnel.
When the natural gas compressor is running, the following conditions should also be checked:
1. Whether the motor temperature is normal and whether the readings of each ammeter are within the specifed range
2,Whether the sound of each part's operation is normal.
3. Check if the suction valve cover is heating up and if the valve sound is normal.
4. The safety maintenance equipment for natural gas compressors is reliable.